The world's first intelligent Firewall for iOS.
$0.99 Day Pass
$9.99 Monthly
$99.99 Annually
Download, purchase 1 Day Pass and receive 6 Day Passes free
No commitment necessary
Guardian is the safest and most secure way to protect your privacy and data while using apps and browsing the web on your iOS device.
The world's first intelligent Firewall for iOS.
$0.99 Day Pass
$9.99 Monthly
$99.99 Annually
Download, purchase 1 Day Pass and receive 6 Day Passes free
No commitment necessary
$124.99Introductory Offer
Subscription renews annually at $134.99
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Your IP address will be hidden from any websites visited as traffic is routed through our firewall servers, making it more difficult for advertisers to track you.
Your password, finanical information and other sensitive data will be protected anywhere you go using strong AES-256 encryption to thwart hackers.
Guardian adds an extra layer of strong encryption to all outgoing network traffic and filters out known junk to improve your mobile experience.
Grant permissions to specific apps on your device, knowing that any attempt to send data to unwanted trackers will be blocked.
Subscribe today and save $10 on your first year of Guardian Pro for $124.99.
Subscription renews annually at $134.99